Starting the Change Within

clip_image002When the good do nothing, evil prevails.

Talk about harmony. It isn’t much of a big word at present. Murder. Suicide. Corruption. Treason. What else do we have here? Poverty. Destruction. Death.

At certain points, we each had come to a halt to ponder on the surrounding chaos. We must have felt a strong urge to act on, to partake of, and to care for our doomed nation. But the harsh reality has always sucked us into the dark vacuum of indifference.

“What the heart has conceived, the mind gives birth.” Does this also apply to our supposed active involvement in propagating the change that our country desperately needs? Yes, and it is only in doing so that true change will finally kick in.

When the good do small things in every possible way, big results are on their way; the Law of Compounding will surely take effect.

We need not belong to the authorities to effect change. We can start right now, regardless of our race, age, gender preference, and status in life. No act is too small if it is done with passion, not even for a simple act of kindness that a child does.

As Mahatma Gandhi puts it, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” So let’s walk head on… towards one great goal, and that is achieving PEACE.


  1. Write about the changes within, too. I'm sure they're very interesting.


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