Grace To Be Born: Where I Saw God and Hope Reside
August 31, 2013 - A day of
indescribable joy : that spells a day of visit at Grace to Be Born.
We arrived on the place with our
usual aura of cheerfulness. This time was a treat from the birthday celebrator,
a dear friend, whose noble cause is to celebrate her birthday at Grace to Be
Born. I honestly thought of it as another ordinary visit (my 3rd time), but I
was wrong.
After visiting the angels (the
cute babies in the nursery room), we eagerly gathered at the receiving area
where mothers armed with beaming smiles awaited for us. What made it extra
special was the little sharing that followed.
We went there to share whatever
blessing we had, but it turned out to be a completely different story. It was
these mothers, the surviving and strong mothers, who evangelized us. Basically
starting from scratch, they all have one dream – to rise with head up high and
eventually succeed to provide the best possible life for their little one. It
was the courage, the determination, the hope that made my eyes sparkle with
enthusiasm. This isn’t any ordinary group sharing, for dreams and hopes left
hanging on a thread were there to be grasped. That no matter how hard you fall
and how deep you hit the ground, you still manage to get up and conquer your
own self-destructing fear.
The babies soundly sleeping in
the other room show no sign of lack. There, on the other room, are the mothers
– brave and undeterred… of the storm that almost knocked them dead. There, at
Grace to Be Born, I saw God and hope reside.
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