God is… Even when nothing makes sense


God is…
Even when nothing makes sense

“Who is God?” asked a pained man.
My answer …

God is… the rejoicing Father when you were born
God is… the Wisdom that guides you as you mature
God is… the Friend who stays by your side no matter what
God is… the Hope when tomorrow seems to never come
God is… the Light when darkness seems to swallow you
God is… the Knight-in-shining armor when escape is impossible
God is… the Merciful Angel when the world has grown so cruel
God is… the Love that gives you joy and delight

God is…
the Creator
your creator
our creator
whose infinite wisdom and love
for humanity has made us whole.

Whenever you are in doubt, pray
Whenever you are troubled, call on Him
Whenever you are despaired, let Him comfort you.

When God seems distant, He actually isn’t
When tribulations come and go, He is there to tag along
When the storms of life threaten to drown you, He watches over you.

When sleep seems so far away, let Him cradle you
When the world brings tears to your eyes, let Him erase your hurts
When nothing makes sense to you, trust and wait patiently.


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