Hurting No More
“Emo ka na naman.” One would jokingly say these words, often inducing laughter that might have not totally reached the eyes. Or so I thought.
Day 3, Saturday – I led myself to Function Room 5, which then housed people eager to discover the secrets on how to protect one from emotional hurts. And my, what a crowd! “Too many hurting people, eh?” I told myself.
So how does this go, I mean, protecting your being from the pangs of pain?
I was led to realize 3 very important secrets, which actually can be the very things that would save us from more pains.
1. Hurt is everywhere.
Life is and will always be difficult. That’s plainly simple as it is. But having the courage to go on will spell a big difference. The enemy’s forces will surely be there to knock you out, but God wouldn’t give up fulfilling His agenda for you, because He meant you to: discover your purpose, develop your God-given potentials, and reach your destiny.
2. Hurting to heal.
“The only difference between a stepping stone and a stumbling block is HOW WE USE IT.”
These words from the speaker knocked me out. Have I lived this out? Do I see my trials as stepping stones? Do I often choose to retire, weep, and even blame Him for unexpected pains that cut deep through my soul? The answer lies in the kind of life that I am living now; and yes, I choose to make my tribulations turn into pearls unequal of worth.
3. Hurting no more.
Realizing God’s grace amidst blatant reality is tantamount to living a joyful life. We do struggle, but if we do keep these in mind, we will hurt no more.
Yes! This seemingly impossible quest to a happy life will become a reality, if we choose it to be. As warriors winning God’s battle in this corrupt world, we can either stand high and be strong or bow low and remain weak.
I asked myself, “Can you now prevent yourself from emotional pains? Seriously?”
With conviction, I answered back with a loud “YES!”
Image from Kerygma 2010, by fah
To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Human, they name is frailty!" In my best moments, what I have been able to do is accept my frailty and just trust in God.