You are exactly where God wants you to be.

Are you the person who easily believes that a simple thing that has saved you from an impending danger is a miracle in itself? Or are you the one who readily shrugs a shoulder in saying that these things are mere coincidences?

I know of a few people who do self-examination or conscience examination every end of the day. For them, whatever has transpired for that day should be carefully reviewed, or they might miss even just a tiny detail that might spell a big difference in their life for the morrow. And since this requires reflection, it must then be a given that these people form part of the insightful and contemplative individuals.

Just a thought. I don’t know what I must have missed if I totally turned my back from the company where I am currently working. But you see? There’s no point of the wishful thinking, for what I am experiencing is simply inexplicable. I have met new friends (the new comers), and I have strengthened whatever bond that did exist loosely before. It’s quite simple. I wouldn’t have seen the real gem in each person’s heart if I chose to leave. Wonderful. I feel so blessed.

And I do agree that I am exactly where God wants me to be. Those people close to my heart have known the anguish I’ve been into upon the decision to resign. I prayed hard but to no avail. My resume is impressive (according to a company), but the doors seemed to remain locked. Now that I’m in full gear, one opportunity came after another. Was there regret? I couldn’t think of regretting.

True, there are still people who seem to be indifferent to me for no apparent reason. But then again, this number is just too little compared to those I have close ties with. Isn’t it a blessing then? God knows truly…
Now I am counting my blessings… they’re just too many to enumerate; that includes better relationships. Oh! And I should not forget the new players in my life. I mean, they came either to play a role in my life, or maybe to be a true part of my life.

Do you ever wonder why you are in the situation where you are now? What emotions and thoughts accompany your every stride? Think about them a hundred times. They are blessings, some in disguise, but mostly are pure graces from God.

Let us live our life attracting the good. And let us bear in mind that there is always a reason for everything. For one thing, we are exactly where God wants us to be.


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