A Visit With Angels

It came out quite unexpectedly. A friend of mine invited me for an outreach and I readily said “Yes!” Little did I know that what I was expecting to experience was just a mere part of what’s going to be unfolded that day. We arrived at Grace to Be Born at 8 AM (June 22, 2013). Full of enthusiasm, we started the day with a brief meeting with the institution’s founder – Tito Rey Ortega. Hearing him passionately talk about his mission of caring for the uncared is enough reason to drive one out of his comfort zone and make one want to serve these people. And we all sat mesmerized with his noble work. What is Grace to Be Born? It is an institution which started from a simple idea of taking the initiative to help the world. In what way? Through making unwed pregnant women shun away from the very idea of abortion. The occurrence of aborted babies has been rising statistically, and this had left an impact in the heart of Rey Ortega – the founder. An ordinary man with a big hea...