A Gift Worth Keeping
( For Wayne and me to keep) A giant Christmas tree adorned with lights and decors. Friends, couples, families clothed with smiles and cheerful laughter. A bay transformed into a haven of mirth and glee. I was there, squeezed in the growing multitude of people. I could feel the smile on my face as I felt my muscles tense. Nothing could be so relaxing than physically seeing two almost impenetrable realities – the gladness made manifest by the angelic voices of the choir echoing through the wide expanse, and God’s marvelous piece speaking through the waves that crash through rock borders, dancing stars in their full splendor in the night sky, with the gentle moon daintily showing traces of its features shaped by universal forces. Awe filled me and I simply thanked God for everything. A surge of peace flowed through my being as my hands were clasped by two gentle hands, both belonging to my Master’s personal gift to me. I turned to look and was caught unprepared with the loveliest mirrors...