The Sacrament of Waiting

waitingA glittering spectacle of diamonds stares at me. Fingers faintly shaking. Lips quivering in unfathomable ecstasy. What great delight! Holding my glittering fingers up high, his eyes meet mine. Lovely!

I slowly opened my eyes to see reality kick in front of me. Lo! The ring vanished!

Okay folks. This is actually just one of my favorite daydreams. I often visit this enchanted place, where hearts dance in pure mirth, and where lips collide in untainted bliss.

Seriously speaking, I really just can’t wait.

“What does that mean, Dolly?”

I NEED a ring. I WANT that ring. I’m DYING to have that ring!

“But what for?”

It is because of him. The symbolism of that ring is so special that waiting for the right time seems forever. I just find it difficult to respect the sacrament of waiting.

Gross! Why can’t I just wait?

I CALLED him, and when he picked up the phone, I was at a loss for words. I ended the call. So he dialed my number, and when I answered, he told me the words that had always melted my heart.

“I love you, and I want to marry you.”

The feeling was indescribable. He continued.

“God knows how much I love you. Someday, I’ll take your hand in His holy altar. Someday, He’ll bless us with a lifetime union. We’ll soon be inseparable; you and I for eternity.”

Sacred vows. This isn’t meant to quench our thirst for company. This isn’t given half-heartedly. Rather, it is there to bind us to the person we hold dear, where genuine love exists, and where joy is felt wholeheartedly.

I know who my heart needs. But in this painful waiting, of dying to my wants and desire, I learn to cherish every moment we spend together. I learn to obey and to live within the bounds of the sacrament of waiting.

Clearly, this isn’t the right time of tying the knot. But in God’s perfect time, when we both are more than ready, we will gleefully exchange our sacred vows. And in merriment, we’ll look back to the road we’ve passed. With hearts meant for each other, body and soul we offer. And this union God will do bless, for we bring joy in His eyes.


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